Support Model Village Trust (MVT) to Develop Open Defecation Free Villages
Individual User-friendly Toilets For Rural Households
The majority of those without access to sanitation facilities in India live in the rural areas and millions of people still continue to defecate in the open.
Model Village Trust aims to construct cost effective and user-friendly toilets at household level to enable rural communities to access their ‘Right to Sanitation’ and develop open defecation free villages.
Ensuring availability of a functional toilet at each household is a critical step towards significant reduction in the incidences of diseases linked with poor sanitation and hygiene practices and creating safe, dignified and clean environment in villages.
Our efforts are not limited to infrastructure development but also focus on bringing behavioral changes to ensure 100% use of the toilets.
Be a part of the change by sponsoring an individual toilet for the rural households.
Deposit your contribution:
Model Village Trust
Current A/C no.: 6945806478
Indian Bank, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25
IFSC Code: IDIB000J029
Email us the details of transaction with your postal address at modelvillagetrust@gmail.com